Wishing you a Happy and Holy Easter. May you find Hope and Joy in the resurrection of the Great Captain of our Salvation.
Easter is a time to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us all and to renew our faith in his message of love, forgiveness, and compassion.
Let us take this time to show kindness to others and to spread positivity and hope in our communities.
As members of the Order, we are called to live up to the highest ideals of our organisation, to adhere to our precepts.
To love, honour and fear God; walk after his commandments.
Maintain and defend the christian Faith and honour, dignity and interests of our Order.
Be loyal to your Sovereign, dutiful to your Grand Master and obedient to those who rule over you.
Prefer honour to wealth. Be just and true in word and deed.
Give no willing cause of offence to any; but, while opposing wrong and injustice, deport yourselves courteously and gently.
Assist the distressed, the widow and the fatherless.
Eschew all debasing employment, recreation and company; abhor pride and selfishness and so raise the standard of chivalrous honour, striving for the welfare of your Brother Knights.
May this Easter inspire us to rededicate ourselves to these principles, and to strive to make a positive difference in the world.
On behalf of the Great Priory of Queensland of the United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, I wish you all a blessed and joyful Easter.
Yours in the bonds of the Order,
Most Emminent and Supreme Grand Master R E Kt Ted Ruska